Exploring the Frontier of Zero-Knowledge
Every few years, a technology emerges that changes everything...
Psycho Virtual is a research lab dedicated to accelerating the adoption of Zero Knowledge Cryptography.
We leverage advanced mathematics and algorithms to build super-fast applications at the forefront of modern technology.
- Spooky AGI :
- AI meme coin with self-reinforcing growth loops
- Sparta(0) :
- SuperSpartan prover. Winner of ZK HACK Montreal Chewing Glass Award
- HackSTIR :
- Prototype STIR prover written in Golang
- PLONK GPU Hardware Acceleration :
- Run PLONK Prover faster on the GPU
- SkyBot :
- Next generation AI social built on Telegram
- Death-Machine :
- Fully on-chain game written using Cairo Circuits
- Twitter-Agent :
- Build AI-powered Agents for Twitter
- Hyperion :
- Starknet Stablecoin AMM